Week three of #IronstoneImpact2022 is here, Ironstone Impact is donating $10,000 to Habitat for Humanity. “Ironstone’s support shows their shared commitment to fighting the housing crisis through affordable homeownership.” said Alan MacKinnon, Interim CEO of Habitat for Humanity Heartland Ontario.

About Habitat for Humanity
A Habitat home is a stabilizing force for a family. Better, affordable living conditions lead to improved health, stronger childhood development and the ability — and financial flexibility — to make forward-looking choices.
No matter who we are or where we come from, we all deserve to have a decent life. We deserve to feel strength and stability day after day. We deserve to know we have the power to take care of ourselves and build our own futures. At Habitat for Humanity, this is what unites us. Through shelter, we empower. Our shared vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Because you, me, we — we’re all humans. And every single one of us deserves the opportunity for a better future.
If you’d like to get involved, go to habitat4home.ca
#ironstoneimpact2022 #ironstoneimpact #givingback #ldnont @Habitat4HOME